Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 5, 2011

She did not...

We came across an article on in which Kathleen Hicks states the following,

"How is it that we are able to find money when we want to, and then other times we somehow can't?" Hicks asked. "That's the thing that really disturbs me."

Where has she been??  Does she not sit on the dias?  And the Trinity River Vision committee?  Has she slept through her latest term in office?  Is she surprised that elderly people are afraid to leave their house at night because their neighborhood which has no street lights is dangerous?  Did she know this the last time she went on a Sister Cities trip?  How much do those cost?  ASK.

We noticed Fort Worth staffers wouldn't comment.  More of the Fort Worth Way.

Don't forget to vote Saturday.  YOU can't afford not to.

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