Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 6, 2011

Right on the Money

A letter in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram speaks volumes.  There's no abundance of water but while the city goes broke, the Tarrant Regional Water District and the Trinity River Vision Authority seem to have an abundance of money.  Someone should ask the gas drillers and the politicians where they got it? 

Trinity travails

Tubing on the Trinity, skiing on the Trinity, wakeboarding on the Trinity, kayaking on the Trinity -- we have all this while area lake levels are dropping at what should be an alarming rate.

Please tell me I'm not the only lifelong resident of Fort Worth who remembers when crossing the Trinity most summers meant not getting your feet wet.

The Trinity River Vision in conjunction with the Tarrant Regional Water District is wasting our most precious resource by creating the illusion of an abundance of water in downtown Fort Worth.

By now, economic development by the water district should be considered a clear conflict of interest. How do you draw new business into a region where lake levels are at double-digit lows, where they will be soon, and where future water resources are a question mark?

Tubing on the Trinity is not the answer.

-- Keith Charles, Fort Worth

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