Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 8, 2011

Texas Drought

Yahoo news does a story on a Texas lake turned blood red.

Why are the fish dead?
From a bacteria that thrives in oxygen deprived water.

Chromatiaceae bacteria.

WHO keeps telling you to come on down and get in the Trinity River for a float, on a tube?  The Tarrant Regional Water District and/or their corporation, the Trinity River Vision Authority. 

The article says many West Texas reservoirs have done dry.  Some are calling it the end of times...well, what do you think happens when WE run out of water?

We're in a drought, you know.

There is a comment on the article that seemed to sum it up.....

We should not be so worried about God ending the world, because we are doing a pretty good job.

Drought doesn't just apply to the attention.  YOU can't afford not to.

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