Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 12, 2011


Pearl Harbor. Remember our Veterans. Honor them.

Dec 10: NETTP to Particpate in Wreaths Across America

The NE Tarrant Tea Party will join in the efforts of Wreaths Across America to lay wreaths on the grave sites of our veterans.  Wreaths Across America’s mission, Remember, Honor, Teach, is carried out by coordinating wreath laying ceremonies on the second Saturday of December at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as veterans’ cemeteries in all 50 states and beyond.  We will be participating in the ceremony at Azleland Memorial Park.

When:  December 10th, 2011 at 11:00a.m.

Where:  Azleland Memorial Park Azle; 850 N. Cardinal Rd; Azle, Texas 76020

The theme for 2011 is “Giving The Christmas They Never Had”.  Please watch:

On the morning of the event, there will be a short ceremony, then everyone present is invited to take wreaths and place them on veterans’ graves until each wreath has been placed.  The entire event lasts about an hour.

There are over 400 service markers in the Azleland Cemetery.  Each location only receives as many wreaths as the community donates, so donations for wreaths are greatly appreciated.  The wreaths cost $15 a piece and can be ordered for this specific location online here.  Please consider donating a wreath today and pass this information on to neighbors and friends.  And invite them to the ceremony.  This is a public observance.

For generations, they stood and continue to stand for us!  Will You Take One Day To Stand For Them?

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