Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 12, 2011

THEY bought Santa!

We received the following from a local Cowtown resident....

Dear Lone Star,

I haven’t written before but I couldn’t pass this up.

Last night I was listening to 95.9 The Ranch on my way home from work.  They had a commercial about Chesapeake and the Cowtown Santa program.  Knowing what we know about Chesapeake, I had to shake my head – they are slick with their PR, I mean what bad things can you say about people giving a toy drive?  Then when I heard it was on their campus, I shook my head again, distract the people from the truth with shiny light displays, parades and fireworks.

Here’s where it really gets interesting…the very next commercial was another one for Cowboy Santa in Fort Worth with Chesapeake.  This one done by a male radio announcer.  The first by a female.  Back to back commercials for the same thing, really?

There’s more.  The following commercial was to drive tanker trucks for another gas drilling company.  

On the heels of that there was a commercial about the long history of the Fort Worth Cowboy Santa’s.   

Thankfully, it didn’t mention their new sponsor or their distractions.  

I realize radio stations sell ads to make money but seriously, did these guys not learn anything with the long rambling TRV Rocking the River (contaminated with feces) commercials??  Apparently everything is for sale, and as Lone Star says – WHO ultimately pays??  

We do. 

Merry Christmas y’all!

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